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Bring your novel alive with our illustration service!

9 October 2018

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As the UK’s fastest growing self-publishing service with over 6,000 books published, at New Generation Publishing we have a good vantage point to see book trends emerging. And one of the main trends we have seen over the last year is the huge growth of authors self-publishing their children’s books, in particular illustrated children's books.

This is supported by statistics from the UK’s Publishers Association from 2017 that show sales of children’s books grew by 16%. And it's not only sales within the UK but internationally too, with export sales of children’s books having increased by a huge 34% for the year.

Many authors now contact us to say they have written the text but would like their images improved, or they would like to find an illustrator to work with but are struggling to find the right one for their book.

As a result, we are working with illustratrators who can bring your characters to life if you need some artistic help. In addition, unlike with most professional illustrators they can provide you with images to which you can hold full rights. We have included some of the many varied designs from our illustrators below:

eababe2d 5e34 46a7 93be 4e69944cb613a1c5f302 03fe 4cec 9949 0bacba05526bb6cd6707 acf2 4c19 b559 aa2bd5c5c23fcef1ba4d c5dd 4ba0 8acc c14709741d37

If you are interested in publishing an illustrated children's – or adult – book, we will be happy to discuss the options with you. Simply email or call 01234 711 956.


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